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Monday, October 11, 2010

Eyes Wide Shut and The Five Senses

Do me a favor and indulge me for a moment, lets play a game. We are going to need an assistant, would you ask the nearest victim to step up please. Now ask this person to go into the next room and wait for two minutes, then call this person back and ask for a list of everything that was observed in this room. I bet you 10 bucks if you score the victim for things observed and things actually in the room, we might not get a score of above 20 percent. Now try something else, run through your day yesterday frame by frame. How much can you remember? Score yourself on a scale of 1 to 100 percent, be truthful. Did you score up to 30 percent? I doubt it. Try something else, Get a piece of paper, write down everything that you heard or what everyone said to you the day before, use the same scoring criteria. Not too good huh, i thought so.
I have spoken at length on the conscious mind and the subconscious mind and how they work. i have spoken of the need for the two minds ( which for ease of reference i shall refer to as the lesser mind and higher mind) to work as one unit and be in harmony for the health of the body. Allow me to refresh our memory on the working modalities of the lesser and higher minds. The lesser mind is connected to the five senses, all information coming into the body is received by the lesser mind and should then be forwarded to the higher mind to act on as the lesser mind will. Sounds simple right? lets move to the higher mind, this mind is blind and completely dependent on the lesser mind for feeds from the outside world in order to act with power. And believe me the higher mind is powerful. In conclusion, the lesser mind through access to input directs will. And the higher mind due to its superior processing capacity then applies power.
Now, we need to understand that the power of the higher mind is unlimited, you've probably heard people say things like if you can dream it, you can make it. For the purpose of this article, maybe we should add one more. If you can think it, you can achieve it. Consider the two operative words here, think it and achieve it. Two words which imply a deeper operation that meets the eye, for us to think something through we must have access to quality input in order to form or give focus to our will. This process gives rise to impressions, the other word in play here is achieving. The mind involved in thinking things out can't also implement things too. Once the final impression is formed by the lesser mind, these impressions through the act of will act on the higher mind like a potter on his clay. Allowing the higher mind to explode with power capable of changing everything.
Impressions through an act of will is capable of acting on the higher mind which is programmed to act on these impressions. However, these impressions must be strong enough to mold the higher mind to our will. Weak impressions just don't cut it, just like everything in life must be strong to excel. Sadly, most of the impressions we send to our higher mind is weak. Why is this? Impressions are formed by input which the lesser mind gathers from external stimuli, the level of attention we pay to these external stimuli determines how strong our impressions will be on the higher mind. In a nutshell, we are not paying attention to what we see, what we hear and even what we feel. We spend most of our time ignoring or not paying attention to the external input we receive, thereby giving the higher mind little to work on. We need to start paying attention to every detail that comes our way. Look at everyone, see what they are wearing, hear what they are saying. Observe your environment, open your eyes take in everything. There is so much information around you, harvest it. Gather it up, you need to give the higher mind every help you can. This is the only way you can change your world.
Till the next time, remember observe, listen and gather.
Some try to gain the whole world, i wonder where they would keep it if they got it. What we concerned with is our mind, what makes it tick,how it works and how to utilize it.
And when i say utilize i mean fully make use of our mind. Unlock all the hidden areas of the mind and truly begin to use 100 percent of our mind. Instead of gaining the world let's discover how to gain our whole MIND and believe me the the whole world will follow.
Remember use our mind and make it big.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Allen_Ikwuegbu

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