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Thursday, September 23, 2010

make it big

logical thinking;its such a cool word association isn't it.In essence while thinking we need to be logical.Stop for a moment before making that move,take a moment to think about it..and when i say a moment i mean a moment.Yeah try it,think your moves out,step by step to the logical conclusion.Its actually fun when you begin to do it.anyway lets get a little technical,the human brain is made up of two minds the conscious and the subconscious mind.The conscious mind is the part of the brain we are aware of while the subconscious is the part we are not aware of,like a supercomputer operating in the background.There,not so hard right,now all we need to do now is to link these two minds together.It important to understand that the subconscious is far and beyond more advanced and experienced than the conscious mind.
So in order to achieve error free results it only makes that we establish a connection to the superior mind in all our thinking,hence logical thinking.We need to become used to our higher mind,try it on for size as it were,give it issues to solve,give it takes to perform,put it to work for you..do i hear someone say how?Well first you need to bear in mind that if the two minds in question are not in harmony it could be harmful to you,so it in your best interest to build a bridge between these two minds.So how do you give the subconscious tasks?simply just do it..think of it as your super computer and assign the task to it as soon as its done it will give you the results voila!

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